

Virtual COM Port

Any on-board serial port on CommandFusion hardware (such as the LAN Bridge) can be used as a virtual COM port on your PC by using the following software package:
HW VSP3 (HW Virtual Serial Port 3)

Use the “Singleport” download (the multiport option will NOT work with CommandFusion hardware).

CommandFusion Hardware Configuration

The LAN Bridge must be configured to route data from a specific TCP port to the on-board serial port on the CFLink bus that you want to communicate with via the virtual serial port.
By default, the LAN Bridge will have TCP port 10208 bridged to the on-board COM port of the LAN Bridge. So you can use the IP Address of the LAN Bridge and port number 10208 in the HW VPS3 settings.

Optionally you can also route data to another COM port in the CFLink network by creating a new TCP Server slot in the LAN Bridge “Slots” tab of System Commander.
Use a port number that is not currently being used, eg. 10209. And make sure to set the Max Conn. amount to be a total of 25 or below when counting all the defined slots Max Conn. settings.
Then the slot needs to be bridged to the CFLink Destination Slot and set the CFLink ID to match the ID of the device you want to use the on-board COM port of.
Leave Module empty and set TX Command to TCFXSPW and RX Command' to RCFXSPR''

hardware/knowledge-base/virtual-com-port.txt · Last modified: 2013/09/26 05:21 by jarrod