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Bootloader Mode

All CF hardware runs a bootloader which is responsible for validating and starting the firmware running.

The hardware can be forced into bootloader mode to ignore the current firmware and await new firmware to be loaded.

Entering Bootloader Mode

  1. Remove all devices from the CFLink bus other than the device being targeted. LAN Bridge is the exception here as you may need to use it to communicate with your CFLink device.
  2. In System Commander, make sure to be using UDP communication mode.
  3. In System Commander “Test Commands” window (bottom left), enter the following:
    1. IP Address: IP Address of the LAN Bridge or if you only have one LAN Bridge on your network.
    2. CFLink ID: The unique CFLink ID of the device you want to enter bootloader mode
    3. Command: TCFXLDR
    4. Data: GOBOOT
  4. Press the “SEND” button in the “Test Commands” window. The device will now reboot (power LED flashing on the device).
  5. Then quickly change the command “Data” to “PREP” and press “SEND” again.

This will force the device to begin deleting it's current firmware, as signified by the red 'ERROR' LED flashing rapidly (LED may look on, but its just flashing really fast). The device will then reboot into bootloader mode, and the power LED should remain flashing.

The device is now ready to accept new firmware. It will show up in System Commander with a red indicator in the CFLink Devices list. You can click on it and the firmware tab will become visible to upload firmware.

For more info and options, follow the firmware guides to achieve this.

bootloader-mode.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/28 22:38 by jarrod