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LaunchPad Projects are a set of GUI files that you can assign a token and PIN code to load onto your device.


The project token is used to uniquely identify the project. The token must be entered by users when they first launch the project on their mobile device, in conjunction with a valid PIN code.
The token is randomly generated when creating the project, but you can change it to anything you like, so long as it is not already in use by any other projects within LaunchPad.

For security reasons, we recommend you use the assigned random token. Please read the Project Security documentation for more info on security.

The token can be edited at any time, but be careful - editing the token will cause any current users of the project to lose access since the token they used will no longer be active!


A project user is a mobile device, such as an iPhone or Android phone. Each mobile device is a unique user for a project.

The first time a user launches a project, the details of the mobile device will be recorded and added to the project.
If the project is setup to automatically allocate users to the project, then a user credit will be used to allocate the user to the project, allowing the project to be launched on the mobile device.
Otherwise, the user details will show up in the project allowing the project administrator to allocate the device manually.

After manually allocating a user, the user must then enter the project token and PIN code again to launch the project.

Hit the 'Manage Users' button to have detailed control of each user of the project. Read more about managing project users here.

Hit the 'Message Users' button to send push notifications to all allocated users of the project. Read more about messaging users here.

PIN codes

Each project can have multiple PIN codes, so you can grant and revoke access to individual mobile devices based on which PIN code is used to load the project onto the device.

When launching a project, the PIN code used is remembered. So when that PIN code is later deleted or deactivated, the user will no longer be able to use the project on their mobile device.

PIN codes can be configured active only after a certain date, or only until a certain date, or between two dates - perfect for short term project access - such as rental properties, holiday apartments, shared spaces, etc.

You can also add notes to each PIN code to help you remember what the PIN code is for if needed.

Project Files

These are the guiDesigner project archives that will be launched by users. A project archive can contain one guiDesigner project or multiple guiDesigner projects.

Multiple project archives can also be added to a project. When a project is launched, the active project archive file will be used.

If a phone (iPhone or android phone) launches the project, then the “active phone file” will be used.
If a tablet (iPad or android tablet) launches the project, then the “active tablet file” will be used.

When uploading a project file, the version number will be automatically created if the filename contains a version string such as “v1.0”. Otherwise, the version will be determined by incrementing a previous version number or simply starting at version 1.

Project Notes

Notes can be added to a project for any info you need to remember or share with other team members.
The notes can be formatted using the toolbar that shows up after starting to edit the notes.

This is great for storing your project network and login details, end user names and contact details, etc.

Remember to hit the 'Save Notes' button once you are done! Then you can see the notes in their formatted glory.

Recent Project Activity

The Recent Project Activity table will show you a log of what has been done with the project, including management of the project and end user activity. The most recent 20 log entries will be shown in this table on the main project page.

When a user launches the project, it will be logged, as well as events during the app running such as system connectivity changes, push notification events, etc.

Hit the 'View All Activity' button to go further back in history and see all the events and logs for the project.

software/launchpad/project.1570240050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/05 01:47 by jarrod