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Webpage Tool

The webpage tool allows for a browser window to be embedded in the GUI.

To implement the webpage tool in guiDesigner:

  1. Select the webpage tool icon on the tool bar.
  2. Then draw a box roughly the size of the webpage window you wish to use. This size can be edited later on.

Webpage Properties

To access the webpage properties, right click on the webpage tool you have placed and choose Webpage Properties.

1 - Default URL

2 - Serial Join

3 - Title Join

4 - Stop when not visible

5 - Position

This option allows for manual entry of the position and size of the webpage.

  • X Position (left of webpage)
  • Y Position (top of webpage)
  • Width of the webpage
  • Height of the webpage

6 - Digital Joins

software/gui-designer/webpage-tool.1365042837.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/04 02:33 by aaron