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software:gui-designer:gui-linking [2013/04/09 13:15]
jarrod created
software:gui-designer:gui-linking [2013/11/11 04:15] (current)
jarrod [How to Implement GUI File Linking]
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 ====== GUI File Linking ====== ====== GUI File Linking ======
 +GUI File linking is when a [[software:​gui-designer:​buttons|button]] in one GUI file forces iViewer to load an additional GUI file.
 +The first time a linked GUI file is loaded, it must be served by a HTTP server. Then it is stored in cache on your mobile device.
 +If the [[software:​iviewer:​settings|iViewer setting]] ''​Reload GUI Layout''​ is turned off, the GUI is loaded from cache and won't need to be downloaded again.
 +===== How to Implement GUI File Linking =====
 +Simply enter the URL to the GUI file into the URL parameter of button properties, replacing ''​%%http://​%%''​ with ''​%%cf://​%%''​.
 +You can also link between GUI files that are stored in the same folder using the guiDesigner Upload Service.\\
 +The GUI files must be in the same folder, and then you can use your upload service URL as the base URL and append the other GUI filename to the end.
 +For example, if the upload service URL was ''​http://​​8019''​ then the special URL used to link between GUIs via button presses would look like this:\\
 +''​%%cf://​​8019/​yourGUIFile.gui%%''​ - replace '​yourGUIFile.gui'​ with the filename of the project you want to link to.
software/gui-designer/gui-linking.1365513334.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/09 13:15 (external edit)