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store:purchasing-licenses [2013/09/04 01:26]
aaron [First Time Customers]
store:purchasing-licenses [2014/03/21 01:53] (current)
aaron [Unlicensed Devices]
Line 83: Line 83:
   - Launch iViewer and follow the prompts.   - Launch iViewer and follow the prompts.
 +A video guide for this is below.
 +{{url>​http://​​embed/​4TQ73cVJOgk 560px,315px noscroll noborder alignment|How to get your CommandFusion device ID and add your device to your account. }}
 ==== Licensed Devices ==== ==== Licensed Devices ====
 {{ :​store:​2013_licensed_devices.png?​nolink |}} {{ :​store:​2013_licensed_devices.png?​nolink |}}
store/purchasing-licenses.1378257967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/04 01:26 by aaron