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software:modules-and-examples:youtube [2013/06/19 00:34]
aaron created
software:modules-and-examples:youtube [2013/06/19 00:36] (current)
Line 2: Line 2:
 It is possible to embed a Youtube video in a GUI. It is possible to embed a Youtube video in a GUI.
-To do so, use the web tool, but for for the URL use the embed URL for the video instead.+To do so, use the [[software:​gui-designer:​webpage-tool|web tool]], but for for the URL use the embed URL for the video instead.\\
 So instead of http://​​watch?​v=JuMjMSPlGSc the URL becomes http://​​embed/​JuMjMSPlGSc So instead of http://​​watch?​v=JuMjMSPlGSc the URL becomes http://​​embed/​JuMjMSPlGSc
 There is an example here: There is an example here:
 https://​​CommandFusion/​DemoUserInterfaces/​tree/​master/​YouTube https://​​CommandFusion/​DemoUserInterfaces/​tree/​master/​YouTube
software/modules-and-examples/youtube.1371602065.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/19 00:34 by aaron