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software:gui-designer:gui-file [2012/08/21 05:03]
aaron created
software:gui-designer:gui-file [2012/08/21 05:04] (current)
aaron [GUI File]
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 ====== GUI File ====== ====== GUI File ======
-A GUI File is a file created by [[software:​gui-designer|guiDesigner]] that contains XML markup describing how [[Viewers]] should render their interface and interact with External Systems.\\+A GUI File is a file created by [[software:​gui-designer|guiDesigner]] that contains XML markup describing how Viewers should render their interface and interact with External Systems.\\
 They use a .gui file extention (hence their name) and are an open format (unencrypted) which allows them to be edited manually in text editors (for batch changes when editing from within guiDesigner would take too long). They use a .gui file extention (hence their name) and are an open format (unencrypted) which allows them to be edited manually in text editors (for batch changes when editing from within guiDesigner would take too long).
software/gui-designer/gui-file.1345525411.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/08/21 05:03 by aaron