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hardware:firmware-update [2013/05/10 05:58]
aaron [Uploading New Firmware]
hardware:firmware-update [2013/11/22 04:19] (current)
jarrod [Troubleshooting]
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 For the purposes of this documentation,​ we will assume you are uploading via Ethernet, using the CF LAN Bridge. But uploading via Serial Port is much the same. For the purposes of this documentation,​ we will assume you are uploading via Ethernet, using the CF LAN Bridge. But uploading via Serial Port is much the same.
-<​WRAP ​center ​round info 25%>+<​WRAP ​left round info 25%>
 If you are not familiar with System Commander, [[software:​system-commander:​quick-start-guide|see our System Commander Quick Start Guide.]] If you are not familiar with System Commander, [[software:​system-commander:​quick-start-guide|see our System Commander Quick Start Guide.]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +===== Video Guide =====
 +{{url>​http://​​embed/​v0PauHIERvc 560px,315px noscroll noborder alignment|CommandFusion firmware update guide}}
 ===== Connect Hardware ===== ===== Connect Hardware =====
 When using Ethernet to upload firmware to devices, you will need to first connect a LAN Bridge to the same network your PC is running on, and the network much have a DHCP Server to assign an IP Address to the LAN Bridge automatically on first startup. When using Ethernet to upload firmware to devices, you will need to first connect a LAN Bridge to the same network your PC is running on, and the network much have a DHCP Server to assign an IP Address to the LAN Bridge automatically on first startup.
 +<WRAP left round important 25%>
 +We highly recommend **NOT** using WiFi to update your firmware. It has been known to corrupt the data being sent and cause updating issues. Please use a wired ethernet connection only.
 Once the LAN Bridge is powered up, watch the "IP Address"​ LED on it's information panel - as soon as it goes solid, this means it has obtained an IP Address and you can continue.\\ Once the LAN Bridge is powered up, watch the "IP Address"​ LED on it's information panel - as soon as it goes solid, this means it has obtained an IP Address and you can continue.\\
Line 57: Line 70:
 {{:​hardware:​firmware_update_tab.png?​nolink|}} {{:​hardware:​firmware_update_tab.png?​nolink|}}
-Click on the firmware tab. You can then select the new firmware from the dropdown menu. Click ''​Start Firmware Upload''​\\+Click on the firmware tab. You can then select the new firmware from the dropdown menu. Click ''​Start Firmware Upload''​. You can choose to install an older version of the firmware if you wish.\\
 {{:​hardware:​firmware_tab_select_dropdown_firmware.png?​nolink|}} {{:​hardware:​firmware_tab_select_dropdown_firmware.png?​nolink|}}
Line 69: Line 82:
 {{:​hardware:​firmware_log.png?​nolink|}} {{:​hardware:​firmware_log.png?​nolink|}}
 +===== Troubleshooting =====
 +If for some reason the firmware update does not complete, don't panic! It is almost impossible to "​brick"​ the hardware. Simply scan the network again and wait for the device with invalid firmware to show up, then choose the device in the tree and you can upload firmware as normal.
 +If for some reason the firmware update continues to produce errors, follow these steps:
 +  - If you are updating over ethernet, ensure you are using a wired connected and NOT a Wifi connection. ​ WiFi is known to cause issues with upload process.
 +  - Disconnect all other devices on the your local network that arent essential for firmware updating and try again - reducing traffic on the network will help with UDP communications.
 +  - Unplug all devices on the CFLink network from the power and leave for one minute then turn back on and wait a few minutes before trying uploading the firmware again. This gives units time to be assigned IP Addresses when in DHCP mode. Leave System Commander closed the whole time until a few minutes has passed, then relaunch to attempt firmware upload again.
 +  - Do a [[hardware:​device-resetting|factory reset]] on the device you are trying to upload to (if possible, if it fails then move onto the next step).
 +  - Do a [[hardware:​device-resetting|factory reset]] on the LAN Bridge if you are connecting over ethernet.
 +  - Delete the downloaded firmware from your PC and re-download then try again. Firmware can be found in the ''​%appdata%\CommandFusion\SystemCommander\firmware''​ folder (paste that into windows explorer address bar).
 +  - Try updating the firmware over RS232 if possible - you can get a cheap USB-RS232 adaptor from Ebay if your PC does not have an on-board serial port.
 +  - You can manually get the firmware from our servers here: https://​​commandFusion/​getfirmware
 +If these all fail, then contact us through our [[http://​​support|support page.]]
hardware/firmware-update.1368165538.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/10 05:58 by aaron